Sheetster and Alfresco WCM Integration

Sheetster and Alfresco WCM Integration


Sheetster PRO can be used with the Alfresco CMIS api to provide spreadsheet editing inline with your Alfresco WCM.

Integration requires only a simple Sheetster Server configuration change, and the installation of a few scripts into the Alfresco CMS.

Basic Alfresco Sheetster Integration

To use Sheetster and Alfresco together, you will need to:

  1. Using the Administration Console, add or edit the Sheetster Server configuration setting "CMIS_repository" to point to the server running Alfresco CMIS.

    In the /resources/luminet.script file, you should see this entry:
    INSERT INTO LUMINET_CONFIG VALUES('connect',0,'session_mode','stateless',285,'If set to stateless this field will allow all permissions and data to be handled by the associated Auth objects. Do not add this value unless you are doing custom integration work','')
    INSERT INTO LUMINET_CONFIG VALUES('connect',0,'storage_repository','http://localhost:8080/alfresco/s/api/node/workspace/SpacesStore/',331,'The URL for the storage server','')
    INSERT INTO LUMINET_CONFIG VALUES('connect',0,'storage_auth_ticket_name','ticketId',332,'Set to the name of the session/request parameter used to track the authorized session ticket.','')
    INSERT INTO LUMINET_CONFIG VALUES('connect',0,'storage_provider','alfresco',333,'Set to the friendly name of the storage backend provider.','')

  2. Edit 2 scripts in the Data Dictionary of the Alfresco WCM:
  3. Login to Alfresco WCM as root: http://:/alfresco/
  4. Navigate to: Company Home > Web Scripts Extensions > web-client-config-custom.xml
  5. Copy the contents of the attached file "web-client-config-custom" into the web-client-config-custom.xml file and save.
  6. Navigate to: Company Home > Web Scripts > edit_spreadsheet.js
  7. Copy the contents of the attached file "edit_spreadsheet" into the edit_spreadsheet.js file and save.
  8. Open:  and enter 'reload' in the text field and press enter.

At this point you should be able to upload a spreadsheet to Alfresco CMS and then click the 'edit spreadsheet' action link to open and edit the document in Sheetster.

Enterprise Alfresco Sheetster Integration

Coming soon, Sheetster Enterprise and Alfresco Enterprise customers will be able to take advantage of advanced integration capabilities of this powerful combination including:

  • Live multi-user document collaboration and chat
  • Live Spreadsheet Data Mapping from XML, JDBC, Social Networks, and Web Services
  • Export to PDF
  • Granular Alfresco-based security including Cell-level locking, change control, and governance