What are the Sheetster minimum system rquirements?

What are the Sheetster minimum system rquirements?

ExtenBIS Server 500MHz CPU 256MB RAM 30MB HDD

ExtenBIS Control Panel (with local server running) 1GHz CPU 512MB RAM 30MB HDD

ExtenBIS Control Panel (no local server running) 750MHz CPU 256MB RAM 30MB HDD

ExtenBIS Portal IE 4+ compatible web browser Excel 97+ compatible Spreadsheet Program


ExtenXLS Spreadsheet Server is 100% Java application that will run on any JDK1.4+ compatible system. Application workload and size of spreadsheet templates and data will drastically affect performance results. For basic operation, the server alone requires a minimum recommended configuration of:

  • 256MB RAM
  • 1GHz Processor
  • 10BT Network Connection

Please see the ExtenXLS Performance and Tuning Guide for information on optimizing spreadsheet templates. These minimum system recommendations will ensure a baseline of satisfactory performance.