Spreadsheet View
Spreadsheet View
Right-click Menu
You can right-click a cell or group of cells to get the following menu options.
- Format Cell. This allows you to format the cell using one of the submenu options.
- Set Cell Font. Selecting this option opens a font dialog, letting you select the fontfamily and size to the cell. You can also choose to apply italics or bold. The dialog has a preview pane, allowing you to see what your font choice will look like.
- Set Cell Background. This option allows you to set a background for the cell.
- Set Font Color. This option allows you to set a color for the font used in the cell.
- Set Cell Format. This option allows you to set a cell format for time, dates, percents, and dollar values.
- Link. This option allows you to create a hyper-link in this cell. Type the full location of the link in the Link field.
- Copy Cell. This copies the cell.
- Paste Cell. This pastes the cell that is currently copied. This option is only active if you have a copied cell.
- Delete. This deletes the cell.
- Properties. This opens the Cell Properties dialog.
- Add Named Range.This allows you to add a named cell range. A dialog will open, identifying the range of cells you have selected. Type the name of the Enter Range Name field.
The Spreadsheet view allows you to create, open, modify, map to, and save .xls spreadsheets, both locally and on the Sheetster spreadsheet server.
, multiple selections available,