DataSource Manager View
DataSource Manager View
Menu Options
The following menu options are available in the DataSource Manager view.
- File.
- Connect. This lets you define or modify a DataSource connection.
- Open Script. This lets you locate and open a script from your local machine.
- Save Script. This lets you save a script to your local machine.
- Save Result. This lets you save the result of a query to your local machine.
- Exit. This exits the DataSource Manager view.
- Command.Selecting one of the following commands will insert the command intothe Query Editor view. Select a command and then select a System Data Object to build queries.
- SET.
- Test Script. This inserts a test script into the Query Editor view.
- Recent. Recent SQL queries. This displays the history executed queries.
- Tools.
- Dump. This allows you to dump an existing database into a backup file.
- Restore. This allows you to restore an existing database from a backup file.
- Transfer. This allows you to transfer an HSQL database to E360.
- Clear SQL. This clears the Query Editor view.
- Execute SQL. This executes the queries in the Query Editor view.
The DataSource Manager view allows you to connect to and manage DataSources and System Data Objects. It also interacts with the Query Editor view to help build queries and test scripts. You can also use the DataSource Manager to dump, restore, and transfer databases.
You can open the DataSource Manager view from the View menu or by right-clicking a DataSource in the Server Administration perspective. The DataSource Manager displays available DataSources, active and failed connections, System Data Objects.
You can open the DataSource Manager view from the View menu or by right-clicking a DataSource in the Server Administration perspective. The DataSource Manager displays available DataSources, active and failed connections, System Data Objects.
, multiple selections available,