

This example shows how Sheetster REST calls and a web spreadsheet UI can be used as a "control panel" for a server-side
Twitter automation and reporting client.

Leveraging decision logic in formulas, list management, reports and charting -- the Sheetster UI is well suited to
provide an integrated UI for managing Twitter and other social networking accounts.

You will need to fetch the latest version of the Sheetster Server from:

After installing the software, you should verify that your Sheetster Server instance is up and running on your local machine.

1. Sign onto Sheetster web app, upload the spreadsheet contained in the sample folder: Sheetster_Twitter_Control_Panel.xlsx
2. Run the Tweetster java application, the program will launch a browser which will prompt you for permission to run the app and give out a one-time access token.
3. Type the access token into the console running Tweetster and the program will begin processing the Twitter account.
4. Open the document in Sheetster web app to watch the values in the Sheet change as the program pulls in new data
5. Try different keywords and watchlist values and observe as the program adapts to the new values

We have provided the basic functionality but have left a lot for you to work on including handling follow events and notifications.

  File Modified

Java Source Tweetster.java

Oct 25, 2012 by Robert Avery

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Sheetster_Twitter_Control_Panel..xlsx

Oct 25, 2012 by Robert Avery

Java Source SheetsterRESTClient.java

Oct 25, 2012 by Robert Avery